About Us

Littleton's premier cohousing community since 1995

We are ever grateful a group of individuals came together the early 1990s to conceive and build Highline Crossing Cohousing Community. Our 40 homes and our wonderous location make our neighborhood a truly special place to call home.

Our community is made up of about 50 adults and 15 kids. We range in age from 3 to 80 years of age. We are a mix of singles, adults with grown children, and those whose children are still at home.

The cohousing spirit binds our community together with a rich sense of shared purpose and a commitment to work together to meet the needs of our community.

The heart of our community. We welcome you for a tour and to learn more about our community.

Learn about how we self govern, discover our team structure and the process of consensus.

Social & Community Activities

We have community meals once or twice a week in the Common House. Community meals are a great way to feel connected with neighbors and share the important sustenance of good food and good friends.

In addition to community meals, we enjoy many other fun activities throughout the year, including Oktoberfest, St. Patrick's Day, and Christmas Eve celebrations; Memorial Day and Fourth of July picnics; and book clubs, bridge tournaments, and impromptu get-togethers.

Many households in our community tend a garden plot each summer. We are lucky that these neighbors often share the bounty of their hard work at our community meals.

We plan a variety of activities throughout the year.

Garden Plots

Many residents tend their own plot.