Participation is at the heart of cohousing.
Participation Expectations
We have an expectation that all community members will participate in the maintenance and decision-making of the community.
Community Meetings: Highline Crossing's community meetings take place quarterly. Meeting dates and times vary depending on the season.
Work Days: We have required work days each quarter to help maintain our common property. In addition, there is an expectation that members will participate on a team and attend community meetings on a regular basis.
Highline Crossing Teams
We have several teams that help guide the work of the community:
Steering Committee - the Steering Committee includes representatives from each team and from the community at large and essentially serves as our board of directors as required by our CC&Rs.
Buildings Team - The Buildings Team oversees external maintenance of the community's six residential buildings, the garages, and the Common House.
Common House Team - This team oversees interior maintenance and activities related to the Common House.
Communications & Marketing Team - This team maintains the community's Web site and coordinates other marketing efforts, including new member orientations and assistance with home sales.
Finance Team - The Finance Team oversees the community's finances and guides the annual budget development process.
Grounds Team - The Grounds Team is responsible for overseeing maintenance of the community's landscaping and common open space areas.
Meals and Social Team - This team oversees the all community activities and events including the weekly potlucks, holiday events and special activities.
Ad-Hoc Teams - On occasion, special teams form to help provide guidance on specific topics, such as intergenerational matters, governance concerns, and sustainability issues.